Sidnie White Crawford

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Sidnie White Crawford

Emerita Professor Classics & Religious Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln


LPH 305
Lincoln NE 68588-0337

Sidnie White Crawford teaches in the areas of Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, and Hebrew language. She is an internationally recognized scholar in the areas of Dead Sea Scrolls and Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. Her most recent book, Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times, explores the phenomenon of the “reuse” of books of the Hebrew Bible to produce new religious works in the Second Temple period. Her current project, a monograph entitled Scribes, Scrolls and Scripture: The Story of Qumran, will argue that Qumran was founded as a library and scribal center in competition with the Temple in Jerusalem, and that the manuscripts found in the eleven caves at Qumran are the remnants of that library.

Dr. Crawford currently serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem, the American headquarters for archaeological research in the Holy Land. She is also a member of numerous editorial boards, including Hermeneia, The Textual History of the Bible, and The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition. At UNL she is the Associate Director of the Harris Center for Judaic Studies and a member of the Advisory Committee for Women’s and Gender Studies.

In her free time Dr. Crawford enjoys international travel, classical music, in particular early music and opera, and watching sports, especially Husker football and women’s volleyball. She lives in Lincoln with her husband, Dr. Dan D. Crawford, and their cat, Mollie.