A Homerathon is a marathon reading of a Homeric poem, the way the ancient Greeks intended for it to be experienced. Classics Club students bring the ancient epic to life for the university and extended Nebraska communities.
See why Homer's work remains relevant to our contemporary discussions of violence, heroism, and justice.

Greetings and Χαίρετε!
We are excited to announce that the video for the 5th annual Homerathon—Homerathon 2022: Trojan Women—has been released at homerathon.com! Countless thank yous to all of the readers who volunteered this year.
Rather than a compilation like last year’s Homeric Hymns, we chose to go with the Euripidean play Trojan Women. Situated chronologically between the Iliad and the Odyssey, the play focuses on the laments of Queen Hecuba of Troy after her city has fallen. The pandemic offers a unique lens for understanding the play's tragedies, making it an appropriate choice for this year. Just as Hecuba learns the fates of all the Trojan women and must cope with their tragedies, so too has everyone had to adjust to and overcome the obstacles brought about by each wave of Covid.
We are also excited to announce that our very own Chancellor Ronnie Green has recorded another introduction this year! His support of the project is highly valued.
We intend for this to be our last year online and look forward to next year when we will be live and reading the Iliad. Here’s hoping to see you all there, and in the meantime, enjoy the play!
Paige Jennings and David Fanta

May 13, on demand: Readings of the Homeric Hymns, including guest speakers and commentary by Dr. Hart and Dr. Lippman, available online at homerathon.com.
May 14, 6:00 p.m.: Q&A with the student organizers and professors via Zoom.
The Homerathon is normally an in-person, marathon reading of an entire Homeric epic. The video event continued bringing ancient texts to life for the community, keeping the momentum of previous years going.

After an opening by Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird, a host of readers takes you through selections from The Iliad, Oedipus Tyrannus, and Thucydides!
Stephen Cass, Alex Markey, Andrew Malesker, Ellie Churchill, Dr. Gil Renberg, Vanessa Larsen, Ian McGovern, Archer Mumm, Ellen Kratzer, Dr. Julia Schleck, Dr. Matthew Loar
Oedipus Rex
Dr. Mike Lippman, Prof. Laura Lippman, Dr. Stanley Lombardo
Dr. Rachel Hart, Brooke Mott, Dr. Matt Joeckel, Nichole Brady, David Clawson, Steven Winston, Cameron Ramsey, Dr. Amy Goodburn

April 18, 2019 at 8:00 a.m.
Nebraska Union, Meier Commons
Guest Readers
Jeff Kirkpatrick, Lincoln mayor candidate
Charlie Foster, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
June Griffin, Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences
Dave Richards, Dean of UNO Libraries
Leirion Bard, Lincoln mayor candidate
Twyla Hansen, Former NE State Poet
Mike Boehm, UNL Vice Chancellor Institute of Ag and Natural Resources
Laurie Bellows, Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Richard Moberly, Dean of Law College
Monty Stoakes, Indigo Bridge Bookstore
Justina Clark, UCARE Director
Joe Bronwell, Director of Military & Veteran Success Center

April 19, 2018 at 7:00 a.m.
Nebraska Union, Meier Commons
Guest Readers
Clayton Naff, Director of Lincoln Literacy
Carl Eskridge, Lincoln City Council Member
Michael Zeleny, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research
Amy Goodburn, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor
Michael Boehm, Vice President and Vice Chancellor of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Pat Leach, Director of Lincoln Libraries
Amy Struthers, Interim Dean of the Nebraska College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Donde Plowman, Executive Vice Chancellor (UNL)
Richard Moberly, Dean of Nebraska College of Law
Leirion Gaylor Baird, Lincoln City Council Member
Lance Perez, Interim Dean of Nebraska College of Engineering
Charles O'Connor, Dean of Nebraska College of Fine and Performing Arts
Stanley Lombardo, Translator of Homer's Iliad
Katherine Ankerson, Dean of the Nebraska College of Architecture
Generous Supporters
Department of Classics and Religious Studies
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
College of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE)
Humanities Nebraska
Classical Association of the Middle West and South
The Mill Coffee and Tea
Ichiban Sichuan
The Parthenon