Renberg recognized by Society for Classical Studies for book about incubation

October 17, 2018

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Gil Renberg has received a 2018 Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit from the Society for Classical Studies for the publication of Where Dreams May Come:  Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World. The award recognizes an outstanding contribution to classical scholarship published by one of their members.

The organization calls the book “a dream come true for all students of ancient religion and healing: a systematic, exhaustive, beautifully organized, and highly readable exploration of incubation.”

Renburg is a lecturer in the Department of Classics and Religious Studies, part of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research interests include Ancient Social History and Material Culture, Ancient Religion, Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Post-Augustan Literature, and Greco-Roman Egypt.