"Homerathon 2020: A Panhellenic Pandemic Performance" released

April 27, 2020

Homerathon 2020
Homerathon 2020, A Panhellenic Pandemic Performance

With the annual Homerathon event on campus canceled, students in Classics Club and faculty in the Department of Classics and Religious Studies have organized a reading of selections from The Iliad, Oedipus Tyrannus, and Thucydides as a video at homerathon.com. The online event features an introduction by Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and a bevy of readers led by classics student Ellie Churchill with faculty advisors Mike Lippman and Rachel Hart.

"Unfortunately, we were unable to have our annual Homerathon this year," the department posted on their Facebook page. "Instead, we will share readings of a selection of classical texts that have one thing in common: pandemic. We hope this performance will offer an interesting new perspective on current events."

A Homerathon is a beginning-to-end, marathon reading of a Homeric poem​, as intended by the ancient Greeks. Classics Club students coordinate readers, food, and activities for the campus and community.