UNL students have access to hundreds of activities and groups related to specific academic, social, cultural or political interests. Involvement in any of these organizations builds leadership, communication and organizational skills and helps you to make new friends with those who have similar interests.
American Classical League
Students planning to become high school Latin teachers should join the American Classical League. The League advertises and distributes classroom materials suitable for high school Latin classes and operates a teacher placement service for high school Latin teachers.
Society for Classical Studies
Students planning to pursue doctoral-level studies in classics should join the Society for Classical Studies. The Society is the senior professional organization for classicists in North America. At its annual meetings in January it provides opportunities for scholarly communication through panels and paper sessions and operates a placement service for persons seeking university-level appointments.
Education Abroad
Undergraduates are strongly encouraged to further their studies abroad. Students may choose from among several established programs that cover a full academic year, semester, or summer.