Students abroad
Education Abroad

Undergraduates are strongly encouraged to further their studies abroad. The Global Experiences Office offers study, research, internship, and service learning opportunities for all students, from faculty-led trips to semester-long exchange programs in the summer, winter, or fall.

Find your next adventure

The department will usually offer at least one faculty-led Education Abroad program each year, and often more. Recent trips have taken students to Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Japan. Students are introduced to the archaeology and art of the culture by trips to sites and museums. Faculty frequently offer archaeological study tours to Greece, Italy, Turkey and Egypt during the summers.

These programs include:

  • The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  • College Year in Athens
  • The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome
  • Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem

To explore current education abroad offerings, use the search tool in MyWorld and start planning your next adventure!

Fund your abroad experience

Going abroad is an important experience, and there are a number of scholarships available to help you. Here are two scholarships of note: